Cross Hair Consulting operates as a professional hunt organizer and consultant for the traveling outdoor enthusiast. I have gone to great expense to check out and research each outfitter I work with to better ensure a quality hunt for your dollar. This is a “free clearing house and liaison service” linking my outfitter associates with you. After you’ve booked a trip though Cross Hair Consulting, I hope you will continue to use my service for all of your hunts. My goal is to help you reduce the risk of booking an unsatisfactory experience or worse. Give me the opportunity to help plan your next adventure abroad.
“Set your goals as high as you will, but remember that a trophy is truly in the eye of the beholder, and success is not measured solely upon record book scores. Never look down on any animal that you harvest. It only serves to lessen the experience which you’ve been so graciously given.”


Wade Derby
PO Box 864 Oakley Ca. 94561
Bus/Fax (925) 679-9232
Follow Us on Facebook for all the recent success photos, hunt updates and specials.
